Wordans’ Fashion-Focused New Year’s Resolutions for 2023

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With Christmas on the horizon, we know that you’re probably busy thinking of gift ideas for your friends and family, as well as what to cook and how to keep your guests entertained on the big day. So, you probably haven’t had much time to think about New Year’s resolutions, but with 2022 ending soon, it’s time to start considering improvements you can make in your life.

It’s undeniable that the “New Year, new me” crowd who make promises and break them within the first few weeks of January have made it easy to mock the tradition of making resolutions. However, the new year brings an opportunity to reset, break old bad habits and start newer more positive ones. So, here are some fashion-related resolutions from Wordans that will help you maximise your style potential and make you feel like the star you are!

Expand your color palette

We all have our favorite colors, and ones that we think don’t look good on us at all, but what about the ones that don’t fall into either category? Many of us simply stick to our favorites, avoid our least favorites and completely ignore the rest. Well, 2023 is a great time to change that. Why not start experimenting with the colors you’re indifferent to? Don’t just stick to what you know, try out some different colors with items like sneakers, hats and wholesale t-shirts. You’ll definitely discover some new tones that suit you perfectly, then you can be bolder with statement pieces like trousers and coats. 

Get into eco-friendly fashion 

It has never been more important to think about the environment than right now, and everyone can play a small part to make a big difference. In terms of fashion, many people are doing their bit by only purchasing second-hand or vintage clothing. This is an excellent initiative as it makes use of clothes that have been produced years ago, reducing the demand for newer items. However, the popularity of vintage clothing has resulted in many retailers faking the look, smell and feel of newer items and selling them as “vintage” pieces. This is obviously having a negative effect on the environment, creating a huge carbon footprint in a market that is supposed to do the opposite. 

One way to ensure that you are helping the planet rather than harming it is by purchasing clothes made from recycled or organic materials. For example, organic cotton t-shirts give you the comfort that you’re used to while being made via methods that release much less Carbon Dioxide into the air. 

Vary your style

Yes we know, deviating from your tried and trusted looks can be difficult, which is why we’re not talking about drastic changes for this resolution. When we say vary your style, we mean slight alterations to the things that already work for you, to give them an extra special touch. Like if you love hoodies, why not try different styles like pullovers, zippered, or cropped? Love t-shirts? Then why not try long-sleeved, oversized or pocketed variations as well as the standard short-sleeved? These subtle variations can add some freshness to your style, without drastically changing your look.

Inspired by these resolution ideas? If so, make sure you fulfil them with Wordans. Our range of products features everything you need to change your wardrobe for the new year. We offer incredible discounts, particularly on bulk and wholesale orders. You can also find more inspiration on our Instagram page @wearewordans